TS95 system (the Window - the Stained-glass window - the Door). Thermobridge 54 mm
Certificate "Qualicoat" on the polymer coating Certificate of systems TF50K and TS95, TS75

The TS95 system has the basic size of 87 mm for a frame and 95 mm for a shutter.
The basis of system is made by the combined profiles consisting of two aluminum shapes connected among themselves by means of two thermoinserts from the polyamide reinforced by fiber glass.
The sizes specified in the catalog, inertial characteristics, weight and perimeters of profiles are theoretical and can change depending on admissions on the sizes of profiles.
Aluminum shapes
Extrusion from alloys of AlMgSi 0,5 F22, AlMgSi 0,5 F25 according to DIN EN 573, DIN 755 and DIN 17615. These alloys are steady against corrosion and allow to make profiles of high precision.
Are made of polyamide 6.6 from 25% of fiber glass; this material has low heat conductivity, guarantees high precision of the sizes and a form, durability and resistance to aging.
Rubber (elastomeric) profiles are used for: consolidations of double-glazed windows, or sandwichpanels, consolidations of a middle part of a construction of a window (it is space between a frame and a shutter shares on two cameras for creation of thermal and sound barriers, and also for ensuring water drainage), and for consolidation of connection of a shutter with a frame.
Physicomechanical indicators of sealants - according to TU 2549-001-46603100-98 and TU 38.105.1082-86.
For fastening of window locking accessories the TS57P system assumes two options:
- "a groove 16mm" - for the accessories applied in metalplastic and wooden designs;
- "a groove 20mm" - the standard "eurogroove" applied in the majority of the aluminum designs made in Europe and Asia.
Connection elements
Fasteners and the used accessories are manufactured of the corrosion-proof or protected from corrosion material.
Profiles of which windows and stained-glass windows are made, can be painted by powder dyes according to GOST 9.410-88. Also profiles can have Anode covering 21 mkm.
Color of a covering - is determined by the customer by RAL scale. Also other special colors are possible.
Covering thickness – depends on brand of dye and lies in the range of 60÷120 microns. The painted profiles are maintained in the drying camera at a temperature of 180 ~ 200 °C within 20 minutes.
As filling in designs of the TS95P series double-glazed windows, or a sandwich panel from 32 thick to 54mm can be used.
Filling is established on special linings according to the scheme provided on sheet 11-1. Free movement of filling as a part of a product isn't allowed.
Filling is fixed by fillet which have a rectangular shape.
Schemes of installation of fillet are provided on sheets 10-1 and 10-2. According to these schemes processing of fillet is made at an angle 90 °.
The technique of a choice of fillet, their nomenclature and used at this sealant are given in sheets 10-1 and 10-2, in them the sizes of zones under installation of filling for each of fillet are shown, the working sizes of external and internal sealants are specified. The choice of a fillet depends on thickness of the established filling, this thickness has to be equal to the zone size under installation of filling minus the sum of the working sizes of external and internal sealants.
Products are delivered on object covered with a protective self-adhesive film that prevents their damage. At installation to protect products from mechanical damage and influence of cement, lime, paint, etc. After assembly and installation – the product has to be cleared and wiped by the special cleaning liquid.
