TF50K Facade-dome system
Certificate "Qualicoat" on the polymer coating Certificate for aluminum profiles "Alyupol" Certificate of systems TF50K and TS95, TS75 License for design and tech. supervision

TF50K system profiles - innovative translucen transom-mullion façade system of "Talisman", which combines the best achievements of the industry and the latest solutions of our designers, backed by years of experience in the development of aluminum profile systems. The system is intended for the manufacture of protective building envelope, as well as roofs, skylights, conservatories, stalls, vestibules, showcases, and other spatial constructions.Advantages of TF50K: - The system is certified and meets the requirements of Ukrainian normative documents;
- Improved thermal characteristics, including through the use of a special sealer of the glass unit;
- Simplified installation and processing technology;
- Fastening bolts perhaps as a classical way (special embedded parts) and a set of two universal parts, which reduces the range of the warehouse;
- The opportunity of both parallel and serial mounting structures;
- Can be mounted on the principle of rack-rack-bolt or transom-transom, which greatly simplifies the solution to many design issues and to reduce waste of the profiles due to their use in other parts of the facade;
- A wide range of profiles resistant (up to 317 mm) and transoms(up to 139 mm);
- Optimal configuration profiles provides the best value for their size with the moments of inertia;
- Advanced form of the bow rack and transoms;
- Reliable decision support under glass unit;
- Improved sealing geometry provides a simple and reliable locking on elements;
- Special-purpose profile, allowing to equip abutting the facade, the tops of domes and pyramids, kink resistant in two planes;
- Accessories items such as drip condensate drain and universal cover for the ends of the crossbars;
- Ability to self calculation cost of the facade and optimize it in our calculation programs TalSoft, access to which we provide free of charge to all our clients;
- Special extrusion profiles for large orders.

Aluminum profiles TF50K series compacted from alloy AlMgSi 0.5 (6060, 6063) and in accordance with DIN EN 573. This alloy is resistant to corrosion and enables to produce high precision profiles DIN EN 755. Dimensions profiles may vary within the tolerances of dimensions and thickness, in accordance with V.2.6. requirements DSTU B-3-95 (GOST22233), UNI 3879, DIN EN 755, DIN 17615.
Coating aluminum profiles - powder enamel thickness not less than 70 mm on all visible surfaces, according to the international scale of RAL colors or other special colors . The coating is applied electrostatically to the polymerization at a temperature of 160-200 ° C for surface preparation prior to coating of aluminum profiles - chromated; or anodizing - the application of an oxide layer thickness of 6 mm by electrochemical way- An. Oks.6.
Seals - elastomeric profiles are used for sealing: double-glazed windows, glass, sandwich panels, connection with the box flaps to create a thermal and sound barrier to seal against moisture from the outside. Material - EPDM. Seals keep the properties of the air environment in all types of inclement weather in the temperature range no longer than the -30 to +60 ° C.
Fittings - focused on performance profiles of windows "Eurogroove" and a distance of 17 mm (windows FOM, TON, HOP) between the frame and the sash in place of installation accessories - it allows the use of high-quality fittings for this type of Belgian company windows "Sobinco" and English company "Securistyle". Selection of accessories for windows and check its performance windows drawings made directly on these firms.
Fasteners should be used only of stainless steel.
Dimensions cutting of aluminum profiles that are listed in the catalog are theoretically correct. Recommended tolerance for frame elements 0.5 mm to 0.5 mm wing.
Abutings - represented by nodes with connections ready designs openings are not required. They can be considered as a typical solution to the problem setting designs.
The choice of racks and transoms must be made on the basis of preliminary calculation of static loads, details of which are set out in section 148W catalog - this will make your design more secure and help you avoid overspending materials. In determining the size of the openings, and selecting a profile, you must consider the following factors: wind load, moments of inertia of the profiles, the size and weight of the glass or filling, size of the flaps opened, the bearing capacity of accessories, type and number of fasteners to the supporting structures.
Wind and snow load is determined by the SNIP 2.01.07-85 " Loads and effects. " For approximate calculations and speed of finding the real values of wind load is recommended to use the table of wind loads in Section 148W, drawn up by us for II. III and IV region of Ukraine, taking into account factors areas, building height, wind ripple above 36 m.
The calculated ambient temperature is determined by the SNIP 2.01.01-82 "Building climatology and geophysics.
Moisture is determined by the SNIP II-3-79 «Construction .
The standards required in addition:"Support and walling "SNIP 3.03.01-87." Building construction. Design Standards "snip-23-81 II.« Metal structures. Rules of production and acceptance of works "SNIP III-18-75.
Glass units need to be made according to the size of indentation from the center of the rack and crossbars listed in our catalog. Otherwise, it may peacking out of the glass distance from under sealer, or alternatively - glass will not enter the front aperture. For shutters and blind openings facade height of 10 m with an area of glass more than 1 m2 is necessary to use toughened glass: 1) tempered 2) Glass with finished edges; or glass with released liner.
